12 Major Benefits of Walking

Two couples walking outdoors

Walking for health. Walking is one of the best ways to keep your weight down, strengthen your joints, and live longer. It’s also one of the easiest, regardless of your age. Experts agree that walking can have many health and physical benefits.

Walking for at least 30 minutes per day is the key. Research shows that walking has many benefits, including lowering blood pressure, reducing your risk of developing chronic diseases, and making your brain sharper and your heart happier.

1. Walking can improve your mood.

Drinking a glass of wine or eating a piece of dark chocolate cake may help to blunt the effects of a bad day. However, going for a walk can provide the same benefits with zero calories. Research shows that even just 10 minutes of walking can boost your mood.

2. Walking burns calories and helps 

Even though the scale may not move much, your pants may become looser around your midsection as you regularly walk. Research has shown that regular walking can reduce fat and increase insulin response. A good walking goal is working up to 10,000 steps per day.

3. Walking can reduce your chance of developing chronic diseases

Walking is recommended by the American Diabetes Association to lower blood sugar and reduce your risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Research shows that walking 1,000 steps per day can lower your systolic pressure by 0.45 points. This means that if you walk 10,000 steps per day, your systolic pressure will be 2.25 points lower than a person who walks only 5,000 steps daily.

4. Walking can help you live longer

Walking can add years to your life. It does not take long to start seeing results. One study showed that those who exercised moderately (e.g., brisk walking) for just 10 to 59 minutes per week had an 18% lower risk of dying than those who were not active.

5. Walking can increase your brainpower

This research is rapidly expanding. Brain scans of people who walked for an hour three times per week revealed that their decision-making brains were more efficient than those who attended education seminars.

6. Walking can alleviate joint pain

Contrary to what you might believe, walking on the pavement can improve your mobility and range of motion. Walking increases blood flow to tight areas and strengthens your muscles around your joints.

Research shows that even if you walk for 10 minutes per day, or about an hour per week, it can help to prevent arthritis and disability in older adults.

7. Walking can delay varicose veins

Varicose veins are more common as you get older. Walking is an effective way to prevent them developing.

Walking every day can reduce swelling and restlessness in the legs if you have varicose veins.

8. Walking can stimulate your digestive system

You do not have to rely on coffee to keep your digestive system healthy. Instead, start walking every morning. Regular walking can improve your bowel movements.

9.Walking can boost creativity

According to a 2014 study published in the Journal of Experimental Psychology, Learning, Memory, and Cognition, a walk can stimulate creativity.

10. Walking can help you to get better sleep

You will sleep better if you exercise regularly. This is because exercise naturally increases the levels of melatonin, a sleep hormone. Walking can also help reduce stress and pain, which can lead to sleep disturbances.

11. Walking can kickstart your immune system

We are all searching for ways to boost our immunity in this age of super-viruses and pandemics. Walking is a wonderful place to start. Research has shown that walking, just moderate intensity exercise, can boost our immunity system.

12. Walking will make other goals seem more achievable

Regular walking is a good habit to establish. This will make it easier to maintain the routine and adopt new healthy habits.