Motivation When Making Health Changes

Sometimes the problem isn’t wanting to make changes or taking the first step. The hardest part is finding a way to keep motivated when our enthusiasm wanes or we face setbacks is the hardest part. Many people struggle to keep their New Year’s resolutions.

One Way to Get and Stay Motivated

There is only one way to start: Take action even if it seems small. This is the best and only way to increase your energy and motivation. When we see success, excitement grows and takes root. Motivation is generated by action, not vice versa.

Find a worthy cause if you want to make lifestyle changes that will improve your health, and stay motivated. These seven steps will help you keep your motivation high, no matter what habit or activity you choose.

1. ​ See a Clear Vision of Your Goal and Your “Why.”

Although this seems like common sense, many people skip it.

You can do what it takes to make changes in your life. Visualize what you want and let it play out in your head.

2. Set Action Steps Toward Your Goal

It is almost impossible to change your diet, exercise routine, or natural living style all at once. Start small and write down your goals. Start a new goal once you have achieved that one, start another.

To be achieved, goals must be specific and measurable. Once you have a clear goal, you will need an action plan that is specific and measurable to achieve it. It will be easier to track your progress and stay on the right path if your goal is more specific and quantifiable. Start a health journal or habit tracker app if you want to eat less carbs or eat more vegetables. When it comes to developing new habits, tracking can increase your chances of success.

3. Register Checkpoints

Martin at Lean Gains suggested this idea and I think it’s a great one. He also suggests intermittent fasting which is a great idea!

Instead of weekly weigh-ins and daily tracking, you can have periodic “checkpoints” every few months or even weeks. This promotes internal competition without focusing on the small details. This allows you to look back over your progress and not get discouraged if you don’t see any results after the first week.

You can set multiple checkpoints every, say 4 week increments on your phone or calendar. Otherwise, you will forget. This gives you enough time to make a habit that will stick. Try to compare each checkpoint with the previous one and beat it.

4. Keep Learning

It is important to keep your motivation high and focus on the goal. The desire to learn new information, whether it is about nutrition, supplements, fitness, or health, fuels the fire and keeps the flame lit!

5. For accountability, buddy up

If you are able, ask your spouse or friend to make the changes along with you. This will not only give you the benefit of having some company, but it can also improve your long-term compliance with a plan.

There are any apps that make it easier to be accountable

You and your partner need to agree on the goals and methods for getting there. This will ensure that you don’t get sidetracked by arguing about the details.

6. Give yourself rewards

You can help by giving yourself rewards that are not food-related when you achieve your overall goal or complete one of your action steps. You might be able to look forward to a new pair or smaller pair of pants, a night out with your spouse, or a relaxing weekend. This will help you concentrate on the long-term results of your goal, rather than the short-term struggles.

7. Keep going until you make it a habit

It takes 21 days for a habit to be formed. I would argue that it takes less time if there is a system and a routine. Healthy living, like most things in life, is easier when it’s part of a regular and consistent routine. Sometimes, all you need to get started is a little challenge.

Visualize your goals to help you keep them in mind. To increase your chances of sticking with a new habit and staying motivated, write down your why, your goals and your baby steps.

How do I start? Here are some ideas.

Eat Quality Foods – Start consuming nutrient-dense food if you are not already and eliminate processed foods.

Drink and Use Clean Water – Avoid chemicals in drinking water. Use a quality water filter and neutralize chemicals in bath and/or shower water.

Inhale Clean Air – Purify air just by getting a few house plants or going outdoors more often.

More Exercise – Not exercising at all? Start with just 10 minutes daily.

Reduce Your Stress – Set some goals to reduce your stress through meditation/prayer, diet, exercise, or other activity.

Toxins Avoid Them- Decide which home, cleaning, or beauty products you could trade for natural products.

Better Sleep – If you are not sure where to start, start right here! Good sleep is the foundation and in many ways it is more important than exercise or diet!

There is no wrong place to begin… taking action in one area more often will motivate you in another!

Bottom line: small steps make it happen!