Eat Healthy – 9 Ways to Stay Motivated

You’re not the only one who has made a resolution for yourself to eat healthier and exercise more. Two of the most popular resolutions are to lose weight and exercise more. As time goes by, it is easy to lose sight of your resolutions and to let bad habits return. These are nine ways you can stay motivated to eat well and achieve your goals for the next twelve months and beyond.

1. Do a Weigh in:

You can weigh yourself daily or every other day. People tend to weigh less in the mornings, before eating. This is why it may be the best time of day to step on the scale. Because if you’ve gained weight, it is possible to nip it before the 2 or 3 pounds turn into 5 or 6. Then, it becomes that much more difficult to lose. Natural vitamins and minerals can be added to your healthy plan.

2. Put your money down:

To help you achieve your nutrition and fitness goals, hire a personal trainer. You can also pay extra for classes at the gym. It is important to invest in your future success. Give yourself a gift.

3. Start fresh:

After you have made the decision to eat healthier, you can purge junk food from your pantry and start over with healthier eating habits. Restock with healthier options and throw out the unhealthy ones.

4. Plan:

Be available for exercise and healthy eating. It will be easier to keep your exercise routine going if you plan it the same way you do for doctor’s appointments. It is the same for healthy eating. Write a shopping list and plan a healthy meal. A shopping list will make it easier to adhere to your nutrition goals while you shop. When you have the right foods at hand, you’ll be better equipped for healthy snacks and meals at home.

5. Realistic Goals:

A realistic plan is more effective than unrealistic dreams or vague goals. You are more likely to stay motivated. Be specific. Instead of saying “I’m going to lose weight“, set a goal to lose 3-5 pounds per month. Be realistic. For example, rather than giving up all sweets, you can say, “I’m going only to eat dessert three days a week.” This will make it easier to reach your goals.

6. Reward your success:

You could set a goal to lose 2 lbs. or not eat second at any meal for the next week. Whatever your goal, reward yourself with a small treat when you achieve it. Go with a friend to the movies. Get your nails done. Purchase a new sweater. Take your dog for a walk in nature. These rewards can provide you with the motivation to work harder towards your bigger goals.

7. Write it down:

Writing down your actions helps you to focus on what you are doing to help or hurt your goals. You can see what you eat and how it compares to your goals if you keep a food diary. You can benefit from joining an online support group that allows you to share your food journal with others. You’ll feel more motivated to eat healthy when you see it from others.

8. Explore new recipes and try new gadgets:

You can find healthy recipes online, in magazines and in newspapers. Find the ones that appeal to you. Your healthy eating plan will be more interesting if you try new recipes. It’s much easier to stay focused if you aren’t bored.

9. Be forgiving

What if you just can’t resist the temptation to eat a piece of pie, or a bag full of chips? Be gentle with yourself. You can’t change what you’ve eaten, but it is possible to make healthier choices. Waiting until Monday or Tuesday to start eating healthy will only make things more difficult.

It can be easier to stick to a diet and follow it over time if you use these tips.