Supplements for Your 50s, 60s and 70s

Vitamins can help you fight cancer, heart disease and osteoporosis.

Do you require a multivitamin supplement? You won’t be helped by taking multivitamins, but it can’t harm you. Try a formula for those over 50.

In a perfect world, you would consume all your nutrients through fruits, vegetables, and other whole foods that are not processed. As you approach your 50s, hormonal shifts make it more difficult to meet your vitamin and mineral targets. Science can’t recreate everything that nature has packed perfectly into whole foods. But supplementing your diet should help you remain on top of your game.

You’re in your 50s.

Calcium and vitamin D: Bone loss is more pronounced in your 50s. This is especially true for women. Diane McKay is a nutritionist at Tufts University in Boston. She says that estrogen, which helps to maintain bone mass, makes women more susceptible to bone loss following menopause. Men should take 600 international units (IU) of vitamin D and 1,000 milligrams of calcium, while women should take 1,200 mg.

You can get vitamin D from tuna, mackerel, and beef liver. Also, dairy products like yogurt, milk, and figs, as well as cheese, are good sources of calcium.

Omega-3 fatty acid: Omega-3s prevent irregular heartbeats and reduce plaque buildup on arteries. They also inhibit inflammation and help keep blood sugar in check. Christine Gerbstadt M.D. is the author of Doctor’s Detox Diet. She says that omega-3s can reduce inflammation in any form, be it heart disease, Alzheimer’s, or cancer. Recommended dose: 1,000mg of EPA and DHA Omega-3s daily.

Flaxseed, salmon, walnuts, and edamame are all good sources of food.

Probiotics are important for older people because their system is more susceptible to harmful bacteria. Jonny Bowden is a nutritionist and author of the 150 healthiest foods on earth. He says that if your gut doesn’t work properly, you can’t get nutrients from your food. Probiotics work by reintroducing healthy bacteria. Recommended dose: between 1 billion and 10 billion CFUs, a few times a week.

Good sources of food: Dark chocolate, kimchi, and kefir

You can still enjoy your 60s.

As you age, your nutritional requirements will change. While experts advise getting most of your nutrients through food, this is not always possible. McKay, from Tufts University, says that as we age our guts become less effective, especially when we reach 60 and 70. This limits our ability to get enough nutrients through food. These key nutrients can help you to stay at the top of your game.

Vitamin B12: According to a recent study in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, even a mild deficiency of vitamin B12 can put older adults at increased risk of dementia. The Institute of Medicine advises that you have your B12 levels tested and supplement them if needed. Recommended dose: 2.4 micrograms daily.

Omega-3s can improve your memory.

Food sources to eat: Clams (of course), beef liver, cheeseburgers, trout, and sirloin.

DHA is the predominant omega-3 fatty acids in brain cell membranes. Omega-3 fatty acid has been linked to a variety of benefits for the brain, including improved blood flow and brain cell growth to better mood and enhanced memory. As you age, the brain cells lose their ability to absorb DHA. This results in a brain that is starved and compromises both memory and brain function. Recommended dosage: 1,000 milligrams DHA and EPA daily.

Flaxseed, salmon, walnuts, and edamame are all good sources of food.

Scientists have believed that vitamin D was only used to increase the absorption and utilization of calcium in food for years. Research shows that vitamins can help reduce chronic pain and even fight cancer. This vital nutrient can be obtained from sunlight. As you age, your body’s capacity to synthesize Vitamin D from sunlight decreases. Dosage: 600 international units per day. Vitamin D3 is more potent than vitamin D2 and should be included in supplements.

Food sources to consider tuna, mackerel beef liver, eggs, cheese, and egg yolks.

Vitamin B12: It has been noted that even a mild deficiency in vitamin B12 can put an older person at risk of dementia. The stomach acid required to absorb vitamin B12 is reduced with age. The Institute of Medicine recommends that adults over 50 get the majority of their B12 through supplements, since vitamin B12 is vital for optimal brain functions. Recommended dose: 2.4 micrograms daily.

Foods to eat clams, beef livers, trout, cheeseburgers, sirloin, and more.

Elder Couple Dancing

Supplements in your 70’s

Vitamin D: Vitamin D protects against infection and illness in your 70s. This essential nutrient comes from sunlight. The body’s ability to synthesize vitamin D from the sun decreases as you age. Dosage: 800 international units per day. Choose supplements that contain vitamin D3 cholecalciferol, an active form of vitamin D3 that is more effective than the vitamin D2 equivalent.

Good food sources: Tunas, mackerels, beef liver, eggs, cheese, and egg yolks

As you age, your body’s ability to build muscles diminishes. Your protein requirements increase even if your appetite and intake decrease. Randall J. says that once you lose 10 percent or more of your muscle mass your immune system will not function correctly. Urban, the chair of Internal Medicine Department at University of Texas Medical Branch Galveston. Good news: Adding protein powders and pills to your diet can help increase muscle mass. Dosage: Mix 20-30 grams of whey powder into your daily shake.

Good food sources: Chicken, beef, beans, almonds