Chin Ups Build Strength

Chin ups bar

Many people hate chin-ups, which is understandable. Some people are able to perform them with ease, while others have a hard time doing even one. Some people don’t think they will ever be able do a chin-up, so they never even try. It’s not surprising that chin-ups are an exercise many exercise enthusiasts would love to do. However, just wishing does not give you the strength to lift your own weight. You can only do chin ups by practicing.

Chin-ups help to improve posture, grip strength and appearance while strengthening muscles that stabilize your spine. It can also reduce the risk of injury and back pain. This exercise is beneficial for your back, shoulders, and forearms, even if you can only do one or two at a given time.


You should probably be doing chin-ups. Chin-ups are one of the best exercises you can do. The ability to lift your own weight is not only empowering, but it also helps develop the muscles involved.

A horizontal bar that is stationary and solid will suffice to do a proper chin up. The chin-up uses the upper back muscles and arms to raise the body out of a hanging, stationary position. It is designed to build strength using minimal momentum. High-intensity fitness programs have made other variations of pull-ups that use momentum popular. But for serious upper-body strength, nothing beats chin-ups performed from a stationary position.

Primary Movement Pattern

The chin-up involves pulling the body from an overhead position. Specific joint actions are elbow flexion and shoulders extension in the horizontal plane. The chin-up is performed by hanging from a horizontal (usually overhead) bar and pulling the body towards the bar with a supinated grip (underhand). This allows the elbows to move past the ribs until the chin rises above the bar.

Major Muscles Involved

The primary muscles that are involved in a chin-up include the biceps bracii, the brachialis and brachioradialis. They also include the latissimus major, the teres minor, the posterior deltoid, and the deep spine stabilizers such as the transverse abdominals, the lumbar multifidus, and the thoracolumbar facia.

The Chin-Up: Benefits

The chin-up is a great way to increase strength and definition in the upper arms. This includes the biceps and posterior deltoids, as well as the teres minor and latissimus muscles on the back. Holding on to the bar and doing chin-ups can help develop a crushing grip, which is useful for opening jars that are difficult to open or to have a strong handshake.

Man opening a jar

Why should you focus on the chin-up rather than the pull-up? Pull-ups require the palms to be down, whereas chin-ups require the palms to be up. The supinated grip on the chin-up puts the shoulder in a natural external rotation, and also places the radius and the ulna of the forearms in their parallel, natural position.

The shoulders are internally rotated when you sit at a desk all day using a computer, or hunch over your mobile phone to type. Any exercise that increases the strength of external rotators in the shoulder will improve posture and decrease the risk of upper-back pain. Pull-ups are performed with a pronated grip (palms down), which puts the shoulders into an internally rotated position and causes the radius-ulna bone to cross. The pronator quadratus in the forearm can become tight, which is linked to carpal-tunnel syndrome. Pull-ups are great for many reasons, but doing too many repetitions can cause a lot of torque in the elbow joints. This can lead to soreness and pain on the forearms or elbows.

It also has fewer tangible benefits, such as mental toughness. You need mental strength to do chin ups. This can improve your mental toughness when playing sports.

Step-by-step how-to

Step up onto a bench, or jump box placed under the pull-up bar.

Grab the bar using both hands and a palm up grip.

To help pull your body to the bar, keep the spine long and lift the chest. Brace your abdominals. Pull the elbows beyond the rib cage to lift the chest. This is because the lats, teres, and major muscles of the lower back attach to the humerus bone. The upper arms are therefore the main focus.

After reaching the top of the exercise, take a short pause before returning to your starting position. Don’t just drop down. Slowly lowering yourself keeps your muscles in tension for longer. This helps you develop strength and definition.

Bicep Pose

Common Mistakes and How to Correct Them

The most common mistake is to use momentum to move the body over the bar. When the body begins to swing, it is harder to keep a firm grip of the bar. This increases the likelihood of an injury. To control momentum, you can teach yourself to brace the abdominal muscles in order to create stability between your pelvis and spine. Stiffening the spine creates a lever that can make chin-ups easier. Squeezing your legs together and crossing your feet at the ankles is another way to increase stiffness. This will reduce the urge to swing the legs to generate momentum.


Few exercises can work the upper body as well as the core. While chin ups can be used to help athletes compete at their best, they can also be used by the average person looking to do well in life. The first time a person attempts a chin-up, it’s not likely to work. Using an elastic band to help them develop strength and eventually be able perform chin ups on their own is a good idea.